About the Program

Reading in Action Grade Level Systems includes everything teachers need to implement the program. Designed to integrate directly with Voyages in English, this program reinforces the grammar and writing concepts taught in Voyages while helping to develop essential reading skills. Grade Level Systems contains six copies of each high-interest student reader, a Teacher Guide, and access to the LP Digital Library where teachers will find a convenient library of printable worksheets and online assessments.
Grade Level Systems contain a thoughtfully curated collection of high-interest readers that align with corresponding Voyages in English lesson concepts. Depending on the grade level, between 11–20 different readers are included, each featuring a high-interest topic. Student readers represent various genres and have been carefully selected to support students as they grow in their mastery of grammar and writing concepts.
The Teacher Guide clearly indicates corresponding Voyages in English chapters, sections, and lesson concepts. Teachers will appreciate the straightforward five-step instructional process that allows educators the flexibility to implement the program without disrupting their established literacy model.
The LP Digital Library empowers teachers by providing thoughtful, centralized organization of program assets. With the purchase of the program, teachers can use their unique access code to access this resource library where they can quickly locate, download, print, and distribute program resources.
Resources in the LP Digital Library include:
These printable worksheets support vocabulary development, grammar and writing concepts, fluency practice, and reading comprehension. Printables and high-interest student readers work together throughout the five-step learning process, allowing students to practice, synthesize, and share what they have learned.
Online vocabulary and comprehension assessments can be completed individually, in groups, or as a class. Each interactive assessment includes five vocabulary questions and five comprehension questions that correspond to each grade-level book.